Adored Beast Gut Soothe | Anti-Inflammatory
Adored Beast Gut Soothe | Anti-Inflammatory
Vanillapup @ Cluny Court
501 Bukit Timah Rd, Cluny Court
Singapore 259760
Vanillapup @ Punggol
314B Punggol Way
Waterway Cascadia
Singapore 822314
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Gut Soothe, a health supplement for dogs, is a proprietary blend of pre and probiotics, and select herbs to help maintain a healthy intestinal tract, normal digestive function, proper gut flora and a healthy inflammatory response. Gut Soothe aids in reducing occasional loose stools due to environmental stress or changes in diet.
Targets inflammation in the GI tract, respiratory system, and urinary tract
Rebalances gut flora
Alleviates GI issues, such as burping, regurgitation, soft stools, vomiting, IBD, hairballs, etc.
Fights inflammation that presents as arthritis, autoimmune disease, skin disease, and more.
Ingredients (1/2 tsp serving)*:
Aloe Vera 200:1 (5mg)
used for constipation or GI irritation
Marshmallow Root 4:1 (100mg)
similar effects to Slippery Elm
phagocytosis (cells engulf bacteria or dead cell tissue)
L-Glutamine (250mg)
a building block of protein
promotes digestive health
promotes brain health
promotes muscle growth
fights cancer
helps with high blood sugar
acts as a band-aid to prevent further damage
balances mucous production
N-Acetyl Glucosamine (300mg)
from fermented cornstarch (a great alternative for dogs with shellfish allergy)
found naturally in the mucous membranes of digestive, urinary, and respiratory tracts
helps support the production of glycoproteins
supports the structural integrity of the respiratory tract, digestive tract, and urinary tract
protects against invading organisms
Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (375mg)
Larch Arabinogalactan (500mg)
supports colon health
used as an adjunct to cancer treatment
stimulates immune system
blocks metastasis of tumour cells
Slippery Elm Bark (540mg)
14-strain Probiotic Blend (30 billion CFU)
rebalances gut flora
inhibits yeast growth
blocks adhesion sites of pathogens
enhances immune response
prevents/treats diarrhoea
maintains the integrity of the intestinal tract
prevents/treats UTI
decreases side effects of antibiotics
Feeding directions
Add to food once (1) per day according to your dog’s weight dosage. Refrigerate after opening. For Feline Gut Soothe, get it here.
Animal Weight* |
Daily Serving |
Less than 2.5kg |
1/4 tsp |
2.5kg - 7kg |
1/2 tsp |
7 - 18kg |
3/4 tsp |
18 - 27kg |
1 tsp |
27 - 40kg |
1 1/2 tsp |
More than 40kg |
2 tsp |
Weight dosages have been converted from lbs to kg for this guide. When in doubt, take the lower dose.
In chronic cases where symptoms do not begin to improve within 10 days, it is best to consult your veterinarian.
*We try our best to keep product information and images up to date but take note that they only serve as a guide. While it doesn't happen often, changes by manufacturers may take some time to reflect on our site. If there are ingredients you are particular about, chat with us!
If you are addressing a health issue with our products, it is good to use them for a minimum of 6 weeks. We have taken the approach of many authentic herbalists that the body needs an average of 6 weeks to process the healing response.
With many chronic diseases (in which pets are heavily medicated or experiencing over 1 year), you will often need to rotate Gut Soothe with Love Bugs or Healthy Gut. We have many animals taking it long term because they feel so much better when they are on it.
It is not necessary to be on additional probiotics but if you are currently giving one, it doesn't hurt to finish or slowly wean off rather than stopping it abruptly.
One thing to note is that the probiotic blend in Gut Soothe is quite powerful, offering 30 Billion CFUs per serving for a medium-sized dog. Too much probiotic can cause loose stool, so if you are currently giving one, be mindful of that!
Yes, please check the bottom of the jar for the best before date.
Gut Soothe should not be given to animals that are on anticoagulant drugs. It is always advisable to check with your veterinarian if your animal is being treated for an existing condition or if they are on medication of any kind.
Both products have the same base – the pre and probiotic blend that makes up Love Bugs. Gut Soothe has the added herbal components and Healthy Gut has the added digestive enzyme components.
We often suggest, if there are concerns regarding pharmaceutical-type medications, giving Gut Soothe 1 -2 hours after the drug so it's had adequate time to absorb. This is because research suggests that the mucilage content in marshmallow root creates a protective layer on the lining of the digestive tract, the same as slippery elm. This mucilage traps and absorbs water, forming a gel-like substance that can coat mucous membranes, providing short-term relief of pain and inflammation. There is also thought that this may affect nutrient absorption.
If you have a concern, give Gut Soothe in some bone broth or kefir, away from medications.